10in10 Marcy Pusey Words can create strong young people or Cause Mental Health Problems in Adults

Marcy is mama to four humans and two pups, but she’s also tossed pizzas for a pizzeria, acted in a musical, and appeared in a few movies. Marcy is also a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and Certified Trauma and Resilience Practitioner, international 2x TEDx speaker, Story Coach, publishing consultant, and an award-winning author of books for adults and for children. She does her best writing on retreats with a nearby hot tub, in any castle, or within view of the sea. You can visit her at 

1. You are worthy of being valued, loved, and safe
2. You hold that intrinsic worth and value
3. Your value comes from you
4. You are more than your traumatic experiences
5. Every story matters
6. There is always hope
7. Not all therapy is equal
8. Boundaries are loving
9. What is my purpose? What is my vision? 
10. May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears

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