148 Kristen Laursen – Lighting the shadows of mental illness

Kristen Laursen is a proud stay-at-home mom of 2 beautiful kids, dental hygienist, poet, songwriter, violinist, snowboarder, aspiring photographer, and lover of the great outdoors. She is very passionate about helping those who face mental health battles and people experiencing grief, because she has faced a variety of mental health challenges herself and lost her little sister Kimber to suicide in 2015. She firmly believes that there are tools available for ALL people to utilize to improve their mental state, and no matter how difficult a mental illness might be, there is always hope! 
She is the host of Lighting the Shadows, a podcast all about mental health. Her hope and vision for her podcast are to lift, inspire, and enlighten as many people as possible by “Lighting the Shadows” of a variety of mental health challenges. 

3 top tips
1. No matter what challenge you are experiencing, there is always hope and there are tools available for improvement and healing
2. If you are battling with mental illness or mental challenges, they do not define you.
3. Depression is a liar. You might feel like the only person on earth who has felt so awful and low, but that is not true. You are not alone. Many have experienced similar thoughts and feelings. If you focus on one light at a time, one step at a time, you will find your way out of the darkness!

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