320 Matthew Dickson: When things seem impossible, there is hope beyond hope…

Have things in your life ever seemed impossible? We are all capable of so much more than we think we are. I was tested for schizophrenia, and when things seemed impossible, I was shown I had a strength I had no idea was inside me. You have this too. We are all ordinary people capable of extraordinary things. I ended up successfully recovering from schizophrenia, and now I help people with mental illness in developing countries so they can get access to primary mental health care at 

Matthew Dickson bicycled across Canada at the age of 20, but shortly afterwards, he developed schizophrenia and was forced to alter the course of his life for many years to get through the disease.
While working on his recovery in his home country of Canada, his heart went out to people with mental illness in developing countries who had it much worse than he did.
After successfully recovering from schizophrenia, Matthew now helps people with mental illness in developing countries so they can get access to primary mental health care through his Mind Aid platform.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. “Unbeatable Mind” by Mark Divine, mindset secrets of Navy SEALs, SEALs are taught they are capable of 20x more than they think they are
2. “The Survivor Personality” by Al Siebert, how people survived the Holocaust, cancer, natural disasters, alcoholism and thrived afterwards
3. “Verbal Judo: The Gentle Art of Persuasion” by George Thompson, how police officers deal with people with words, not weapons

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