451 Nick Drivas: How a porn addict transformed his life in a year through personal development

Nick Drivas was a 10+ year porn addict that was able to change his life around in under a year. He was depressed, had social anxiety and wanted to commit suicide because of where his life was going. He decided to make a change by focusing on himself and hiring a coach to become his absolute best by building his discipline through fitness, mindset, and nutrition. Now as an Online Personal Development Coach, Nick teaches others the program that helped save his life to create the best 10.0 version of themselves.

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I have a mid level program where I teach you the foundations of fitness, mindset and nutrition. This can be for anyone to start at.

My Unbreakable Lifestyle program is where I teach high performers how to unlock peak performance in their career by becoming their 10.0 selves. We tap deep here into the principles and understandings of self mastery, discipline, and how they can apply it to their professions to be their bests across the board
#confident #success #winning #mindset #energetic #different #addict

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