Episode 18 – Michelle Barrial – How to feel confident without drinking

In Michelle’s words:
Social drinking is a way to fit in and be a part of a group yet when you choose to say no everyone treats you like you are no fun.  The crowd will tell you to loosen up just one drink  can’t hurt. But, truth is drinking doesn’t give you confidence. In fact, it creates numbness in your body and brain so that your thoughts are unclear and your body’s reactions slower and uncoordinated as you become drunk. The false confidence created by the boost of sugar from the alcohol is temporary and leads to dangerous consequences especially if the person wants to drive. I will cover the ways to say no thanks without guilt or regret.  Tune in to hear the best ways to gain confidence with others without a drink of alcohol.

I have experienced the damaging effects of alcoholism through my family and friends who hurt themselves or others in auto accidents when they were drunk.  Also, as a child I saw the negative effects of alcoholism within my family trying to hide the problem and not dealing with it. We all make choices about how we want to live our lives however being responsible about how we react to our circumstances takes courage not to give in and mask our pain through alcohol.

I coach people to help them dissolve their stress and anxiety about their lives so they can make healthy choices confidently that eliminates their desires to drink alcohol.

I offer an introductory coaching package (4 weekly sessions) to gain clarity on how to quickly relieve stress and/or anxiety instead of reaching for a drink or two to solve the problem.

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