116 Martha Lewis – Sleep For Recovery: 3 Hidden Causes of Insomnia

Martha Lewis is a sleep consultant to health-conscious, high achievers who want to sleep but can’t. With multiple sleep certifications, an MS in holistic nutrition and as an expert on gut health, she addresses both body and mind with stress resilience techniques and testing for underlying health issues to get to the root cause of her clients’ insomnia. She has been featured in numerous publications, such as Thrive Global and Swanwick Sleep, and various podcasts around the world and is also a passionate speaker on the topic of sleep. 

In Martha’s words:

If you struggle to get a good night’s sleep and you’ve tried everything you know to do, there’s something going on in your body that is keeping you awake at night. Alcoholism and insomnia are both signs that your body is way out of balance. The good news is that you are meant to sleep well. You can find out what’s causing your insomnia in both your body and your mind so you can get the sleep you need to heal and recover.

Feel free to download a copy of my free ebook “5 Little-Known Reasons High Achievers Can’t Sleep (and how to fix it)” from my website

If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!


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