Julie Paulston is a transformational life coach who uses humour, life experience and strategies learned in her 31 years in recovery to empower women to reclaim their Divine inner phoenix. To rise from the ashes of their lives and rediscover who they were before the world told them who they should be. She has been a speaker and educator for over 10 years and has her own podcast Be the Phoenix of Your Own Life. Her courses give real-life, practical ways to learn, grow and live a life of purpose.
In her own words:
We were all born enough, we were all born Divinely inspired. We chose this path to overcome obstacles and create the life of our dreams. Somewhere along the way, we lost our focus and our direction. We allowed the voices of the outside to become louder than our inner knowing. We started using substances to dull the pain of losing our way. We started using alcohol to stop feeling the loss, the grief and the knowledge that we were destined for more. We adapted the role of victim and gave our dreams, hopes and inspiration to the bottle, the pills, and to the people in our lives hoping it would bring comfort. We gave our power away hoping for connection and a sense of belonging. It is time to remember who you are. It is time to remember your Divinity, your power and the reason you are here.   
3 top tips:
1. Breathe, it is a moment. It will pass. It may feel like a kidney stone but it will pass.
2. Don’t do it on your own. There is power in connecting with those who are where you want to be.
3. Stop watching the news!! It stands for Nothing Ever Worth Seeing!!!! Positive in/positive out!

Social media:

Facebook www.facebook.com/julie.paulston
IG www.instagram.com/divinephoenixrising
Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/63CJmAemwbcWrNBi837qKH?si=3fiIMRifT_GhLjpIA-Z_1g

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