190 Doree O‘Neal – Are you a Hot Mess or a Daring Bad Ass?

Doree O’Neal is an author, an inspirational speaker, and a recovery coach, helping women that have recovered from addiction to find the lives they got sober for.  She is a strong believer that we are on this earth to not just survive but thrive.  Her first book, Seriously? How I Went from a Hot Mess to a Daring Bad Ass, was her way of sharing her personal experiences with alcoholism and recovery, surviving an abusive relationship, and how she let go of self-destructive behaviours.  Through her own healing process, she was also able to discover her joy and happiness. 
In Doree’s words:
“Congratulations!  You have given up drinking.  You are feeling good physically and the fog has cleared. Then there comes an epiphany: I am sober, but the underlying problems are still there.  Some may ask, “Why am I not happy?  I got sober for this?”.  My answer is “Yes!” But you do not have to figure this out alone!  I am here to show you how to live and thrive in a life of recovery.  Time to leave behind the hot mess, be daring and become the badass you were always meant to be!”
3 top tips for my audience:
1.  Do not be afraid to give up things/ people that no longer suit you.
2.  Try one thing that scares you.
3.  Take 5 minutes for yourself daily.
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