263 Brenda Miller: From Chaos to Calmness – Instant Evolution Out of Stress

Brenda Miller’s expertise is in dissolving stress before it detonates. She loves to make the bold statement that stress is optional, and then help people prove it to themselves with her simple strategies for getting ‘right now relief’ in an upset—in 30 seconds! She says that joy is natural—and then helps people rediscover theirs by meeting each upset with one of the strategies that take us out of distress and deliver us back to our playful, compassionate nature. Brenda is devoted to helping us hear the long-forgotten whisper of wellbeing.  
Brenda taught conscious conflict resolution in six countries and is the author and founder of The Kid Code, 30 Second Parenting Strategies, endorsed by Jack Canfield who says, “Everyone needs this book,” and lauded by Readers Views as “…the latest and greatest parenting book!” She’s written four other self-help books, speaks internationally and loves gardening, photography, playing with her kids and grandkids, and watching the wildlife that frequents her and her husband’s little plot of land within view of the great Canadian Rockies.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. To take the stress out of making mistakes, when someone makes one, say and feel the truth of the statement, “You matter more than the mistake.” When you make a mistake, say and feel the truth of the statement, “I matter more than the mistake,” and then make the mistake right by making amends however you can. 
2. To tame a tantrum (yes, we all still have them), put a note in your pocket that says, I don’t need my raging story anymore and pull it out and read it every time anger tries to take you over. 
3. Become a ‘Gratitude Practitioner’ and see if you can be grateful for everything your eyes land on, every day. This diverts the mind away from negativity and into coherence. 

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