Erik DaRosa, known by friends and clients as “Yoda,” is an inspirational speaker and both the Founder and Co-host of the From Survivor to Thriver podcast. Erik is upending the front end of mental health conversations with his Co-host Marc Fernandes. Each week, he tackles different mental health topics through honest and relatable “kitchen table” conversations with real people helping to shatter mental health stigmas and find their voices. He aims to normalize discussions around mental health topics and remind his audience they are not alone, there is strength in community and “it’s perfectly ok to not always be ok.”
In Erik’s words:
For as long as I can remember, I did everything to hide my “not okay-ness” from the world. After years of therapy and a highly effective regime of medications, there were still times that I chose the path of least resistance, the same path that far too many people choose: to suffer in silence. For decades I outwardly displayed a facade, that of a usually smiling, highly functioning, type-A successful overachiever. I had, subconsciously or not, chosen to accept society’s stigma rather than embrace my vulnerability.
Stigma says we shouldn’t talk openly about these things. I say we should! Stigma also says we shouldn’t stand high upon the mountaintop, vulnerable and transparent, for the entire world to see. I say we must!
Together, let’s work to break the stigma of mental illness and remind one another that it’s perfectly okay to not always be okay. Collectively and with a bit of patience, we’ll get through this, I promise.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. There is help
2. There is hope
3. There is a way through
Social media and contact info
Linked-In: Erik DaRosa
Insta: Skisherpa
FB: Erik DaRosa
Podcast: From Survivor to Thriver
FB Page: From Survivor to Thriver
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