369 Felipe Blue: Counselling on the Frontline – A close-up Look At America’s Drug Epidemic

F. Khristopher Blue is a therapist who is on the frontlines regarding mental health and addiction treatment. The non-profit program he founded called More Than Therapy is addressing the gaps in treatment and assisting clinicians get the tools they need to succeed, offering support and guidance so they can better address the challenges in this field as well as avoid burnout. Also, a person who has been impacted by a mental health disorder, as his mother has the same diagnosis, he has worked to develop cost-effective strategies to assist those impacted by mental health symptoms and recover appropriately.

F. Khristopher Blue overcame trauma associated with a drug-addicted mother in a gang-infested city to become a highly recognized mental health professional, award-winning author, and award-winning artist. 
This workbook was conceptualized for a NAMI Durham event to meet the need of people with Post-Pandemic Depression and Anxiety and the healthcare providers who treat these people and their families after the team conducted several “virtual” sessions in preparation for the event via support groups for stress and anxiety for minorities.

Our goals were to:
1. Educate about the causes, presentation and different treatments of Post-Pandemic Depression.
2. Provide structured exercises to help people become active participants in their own treatment and recovery.

For every book bought, one signed book and USB thumb drive with a wellness toolkit will be donated to a client/staff/volunteer/intern of Urban Ministries of Durham, Durham Rescue Mission, and B&D Integrated Health.

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