380 Rose Ann Forte: How To Change Your Relationship With Alcohol

Rose Ann is an Alcohol-Free Coach, a Positive Intelligence Coach and International Best-Selling author. She helps people put alcohol to the side for 12 consecutive weeks by educating them with the scientific principles behind alcohol abuse using God’s foundational principles to renewing your mind.
The Plans He Has For Me is a 12 week focused devotional for those who want to rid themselves of the psychological slavery of their alcohol habit.

3 Top Tips
1. Awareness is the key to changing your relationship with alcohol and solving for cognitive dissonance
2. This approach makes it safe for those who care about someone with a problem because it’s more of a “try this” approach
3. Empowerment vs Victim

Social Media Contacts: to get the Kickstart Method for Alcohol freedom
Book sold on Amazon and Barnes and Noble



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