477 Karoline Fischer: The transformative power of working with the subconsciousness via hypnotherapy

Karoline Fischer is a trained MD who decided to train as an RTT Hypnotherapist as she found out personally how transformative this way of work can be. 
In her own words:
I had worked my entire adult life with therapists for my own life, and when I found methods that worked with subconsciousness, transformation really started to happen in my life. I am Karoline Fischer, an immigrant living in New York, originally from Austria. Loving New York and life. Very energetic and always interested in learning and meeting new people. I am passionate about supporting people in their healing and transforming their lives. I also love the arts, all of it. 🙂 

3 Top Tips
It is never too late.
You can really transform your life.
It is never too late to have a happy childhood.

Social Media

Karoline shows that the transformative power of working with unconsciousness with hypnotherapy can lead to massive changes in everyone’s life. 

Special Offer
I offer 20 min consultations that are free and can take 10% off my fees for clients that come through this podcast.

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