80 Amy Watson – PTSD, Jesus & Me: My story of Hope, healing and redemption

There is much stigma to mental health issues in America and around the world. It is, perhaps, the most overlooked healthcare issue in society today. However, when we choose to address it and surround ourselves with people who refuse to let us ignore it, there IS healing and there IS Hope.
I am a Florida girl who loves a simple life, Jesus, family, friends, football, and the beach. I am a native of Jacksonville, Florida, but have spent most of my adult life on Florida’s west coast.
I grew up in a children’s home, graduated from Clearwater Christian College w (Biology 1994) and earned an MBA in 2002.. I am a trauma survivor of childhood abuse and domestic violence. By the time I got help, I’d survived 35 years of trauma.
I love both the written and spoken word, and enjoy opportunities to share my experiences and the faithfulness of God. My greatest desire is to invest my life in something that will outlive it. 
There are 3 reasons I am here to even do this interview and they are all important
1. Church/Christ
2. Community
3. Counseling (Trauma Informed)

If people need trauma help, perhaps my podcast can help. Wednesdays With Watson is everywhere and on my website

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