Episode 1 – Welcome to My Steps To Sobriety

Welcome to my podcast!

My steps to sobriety is the show that brings alcoholism out into the open. I am a doctor and an alcoholic i recovery. I interview guests that have been there, done that and have vomited on the T-shirt. We are talking honestly about alcohol use disorder, or better known as alcoholism. But more importantly, on this channel we explore what other people did to get sober, and stay that way.

I talk to people that have overcome huge hurdles and bear the scars to prove it. These people were once broken. But they did not give up and created a future for themselves, that leaves most of us behind in the dust. How did they do it? And what can we learn from these guys?

Join me in my journey of exploring ways how to enrich your life to such a degree that alcohol simply has no place in there!


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