Episode 51 – Kat Caldwell – Don’t bury your talent under your past pain. Larning to forgive the unforgivable

In Kat’s words:

I hope to encourage people to use their gifts and talents to the fullest extent in order to live their fullest life. It took me a long time to find the confidence to claim being a writer. Part of the problem was my past of sexual abuse as a child. After dealing with the pain the abuse caused through alcohol and drugs during my early twenties, I thought I was fine with moving on with my life once I got married and had kids. Was I ever wrong. While I was too concerned with becoming an alcoholic to reach for the bottle during the day (so concerned with what other people and my husband would think of me) not dealing with my past was spiraling me into depression, causing me to resent my husband, hate myself and feel absolutely worthless. I see women walking about barely in control of their emotions and I have an idea of what’s wrong: they haven’t dealt with the heavy stuff of their past. They have walked on, hoping that time will heal, but time doesn’t heal anything. Purproful forgiveness heals. It was only after I went to therapy to deal with my past and worked through how I could learn to forgive and live a life of forgiveness that I was able to walk into my purpose of being a writer and now coaching people in their writing. 

Raised mostly in Wisconsin, Kat has now lived in three other countries, is married to her prince with an accent and has three beautiful girls. In 2017 she published her first novel, Stepping Across the Desert. In 2019, Kat published her second novel, An Audience with the King and published an interactive journal because she truly believes that everyone’s life is worth writing down.


Kat’s 3 top tips:

  1. Forgiveness is essential to living a full life
  2. Time doesn’t heal anything
  3. You have specific gifts and talents and creativity that you should absolutely be sharing with the world

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