Episode 54 – Noa Glicksman – How To Achieve Unshakable Mental and Physical Health Even During A Pandemic

Marcia Gliksman is a Habit Change Expert and Health Strategist and the creator of the Iceberg Method. She helps time starved high achievers reach new heights in life through habit changes that enable optimal health, renewed energy and better-than-ever mindset for inevitable success. She specializes in gut-brain healing and eliminating stress and anxiety in 90 days or less. 

In Noa’s words: 

Your body is designed to thrive but life, habits, social conditioning, stress, anxiety and even a pandemic, can easily get on the way and disrupt healthy thinking and living. No matter how far off your mental and physical health are from ideal, your brain and gut can always heal and transition back from survival to thrive mode with ease and pleasure.
Noa’s top 3 tips:
1. You can ALWAYS turn your life around and transition from merely surviving to thriving
2. Your gut and your brain are inseparable and unshakable mental and physical health are achievable no matter how far off the track you may feel you are in the present
3. The 3 pillars of success are: a system, support and accountability

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